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Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church

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Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church Christmas Worship Services for 2024

Advent Worship Services:

* December 4 at 7:00pm

* December 11 at 7:00pm

* December 28 at 7:00pm

Children’s Christmas Service:

* December 15 at 9:30am

Christmas Eve Worship Service:

* December 24 at 7:00pm

Christmas Day Worship Service:

* December 25 at 10:30am

New Year’s Eve Service:

* December 31 at 7:00pm

Lenten Services

Ash Wednesday Service- Wednesday, February 14, 6:00pm Meal; service starts at 7:00 pm

Lenten Services – Wednesdays – February 21, 28, March 6, 13 and 20; services start at 7:00 pm

Holy Week Events:

Maundy Thursday- March 28, at 7:00 pm, service with communion.

Good Friday- March 29, at 7:00 pm.

Easter Sunday-March 31, service starts at 9:30am with a brunch after the service.  Everyone is welcome.

Saturday, March 23, from 11:00am until 1:00 pm there will be an outreach event with Journey to the Cross and an Egg Hunt. Invite your family and friends to hear what Jesus did to save us. The community is invited

Join us for our online session of 10 Lies about God.  We will meet at 7pm online this Wednesday, January 24 2022 using the link below.

Bible Study Link- 10 Lies about God

Our bible study, 10 Lies about God, addresses popular lies about God that people often hide behind to sidestep the truth that there is a God to whom they are accountable or to avoid admitting the reality that they are sinners who need a Savior.  It will help us recognize and respond to these deceptions that keep people from experiencing the peace and joy that comes through forgiveness in Christ.

Join us and invite a friend.  We meet every Wednesday over the next 3 weeks.

Our church is doing another drive for the King’s Local Food Pantry from January 21 – February 4.  All donations can be dropped off in the church narthex.  The following items are urgent need items for the pantry:

Tomato Sauce

Canned Meats

Canned Fruit

Biscuit/Cornbread Mix

Hamburger Helper Meal


Canned Chili

Beef Stew

Liquid Hand Soap

Laundry Soap

Dish Detergent

Denture Adhesive

Denture Cleaner

Feminine Hygiene

Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church Christmas Worship Services for 2023

Advent Worship Services:

* December 6 at 7:00pm

* December 13 at 7:00pm

* December 20 at 7:00pm

Children’s Christmas Service:

* December 17 at 9:30am

Christmas Eve Worship Service:

* December 24 at 7:00pm

Christmas Day Worship Service:

* December 25 at 10:30am

New Year’s Eve Service:

* December 31 at 9:30am

Attention Maineville, Mason, Deerfield, Lebanon, West Chester & Surrounding Communities. TRUNK OR TREAT & MORE Saturday, Oct. 28. TRUNKS Open at 10 a.m. and Close at Noon. 2 hours of PUMPKIN PAINTING, FACE PAINTING, & CANDY with some of the world’s Greatest Hot Dog Chef’s creating FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE HOT DOGS that you can dress with condiments to suit your educated taste buds! We are Family Friendly. Your safety and well being are our concern. Onsite Parking. Location: Abiding Word Lutheran Church, 8470 Landen Dr., Maineville, Oh 45039; Between Montgomery Rd. and Socialville-Foster Rd.; Phone: (513)677-9357

The Evangelism Team will be doing a paint donation drive during the week of September 18-22. Donations will be accepted from 6:00 to 8:00 pm only.  We will be collecting any old paint products you might have that don’t need but are still usable. Only Latex, Acrylic, and water-based paints are accepted. All donations will go to the Matthew 25 ministries.

There will be a church service and congregational picnic on September 17, 2023.  It will be at the Landen park and all are invited (members and visitors).  Church service will start at 9:30 a.m. and the picnic will follow.  You can find us at a pavilion with our church banner.

NOTE:  Please be aware that there will be nobody at the church facilities on this day.

FREE CAR WASH! Saturday, August 5, 2023, Starting 11 a.m. & Ending 2 p.m. Weather Permitting. Event will be re-scheduled if it rains. If traffic is sufficient, a 2nd Lane will open. Hot Dogs, fress off the grlll, and Water will be available. Location: Abiding Word Lutheran Church, 8470 Landen Dr., Maineville, Oh 45069; Phone No: (513) 677-9357

A Church Yard Sale will take place Saturday, June 17, 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. Start saving your items now. Please price your items before you bring them to church, use 25 cent multiples ($x.25, $x.50, $x.75, or $x.00). The proceeds will be split between Christian Aid & Relief and the Lighthouse Youth Center. You can bring items to church starting June 11 through 1:00 Friday June 16. Volunteers are needed to help with setup on Friday, June 16, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm and Saturday for the sale. A signup sheet is on the table.

Our community bible resumes starting on January 25, 2023 for three weeks. It will meet every Wednesday at 7:00pm and we will be continuing our bible study called: “The 10 lies about God”. This will be a virtual event and we will be publishing the link soon. All are invited to attend

We will be having a community meal on January 4, 2023 from 5:00pm – 8:00 pm. We will be serving Chili, Hamburgers and Hotdogs. All are invited.

Our church will be participating in a Hoxworth Blood Center Community Blood Drive during the entire month of October.

Every five minutes, someone in the Tri-State area needs blood. Hoxworth Blood Center continues to be in the midst of a blood shortage brought on by the outbreak of COVID19. Blood donors of all blood types are desperately needed.

If you are willing to donate, please visit one of seven local Hoxworth locations and mention that you’re donating on behalf of Abiding Word Lutheran Church (or mention our Group Code A923). If you would like to schedule your appointment beforehand, please call (513) 451-0910 to do so.
I have also attached an E-Flyer that you can share with your family and friends. Please have them mention our church or Group Code A923 so that Hoxwoth can track them to our blood drive.

There’s an added incentive for donating in October.
• Donate blood October 1 through October 15, and receive a FREE Bengals T-shirt.
• Donate blood October 17 through October 31, and receive a FREE pair of Halloween socks.
For your convenience, I have listed Hoxworth locations below. They are as follows:

Hoxworth Fort Mitchell, KY
Ft. Mitchell Station Shopping Center
2220 Grandview Dr., Suite 140
Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017
Hoxworth Anderson
Five Mile Center
7715 Five Mile Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45230

Hoxworth Blue Ash
9708 Kenwood Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

Hoxworth Central
3130 Highland Ave, 4th Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0055

Hoxworth North
7844 Kingland Drive
West Chester Township, Ohio 45069

Hoxworth Tri-County
Wimbledon Plaza
11812 Springfield Pike/Route 4
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246-2309

Hoxworth West
6323 Glenway Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45211

Thank you, and God Bless.

Church Blood Drive E-Flyer

Our church will be having its annual Trunk & Treat event on October 29, 2022 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.  Besides our decorated vehicles for candy we will have other events such as face & pumpkin painting as well as grilled hotdogs and water.  Everyone is welcome!  Please come and enjoy this event with us.

You can see our Journey to the Cross Evangelism Event by clicking on the button below.

Journey to the Cross

Burden Bearing Bible Study

ATTENTION:  June 30th Bible Study has been postponed to the following Wednesday, July 7 at 7:00pm

Paul wrote, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). The Burden Bearing Bible study provides encouragement, instruction, and practical examples to help Christians bear one another’s burdens.

We encourage anyone who would like to attend this on-line bible study to come and join us.  This study will start on June 16 at 7:00 pm and will meet again on June 30, July 14th and Jul 28th all with 7:00 pm start times.

Please continue to watch this event and we will provide the links to access this bible study on-line in the very near future.

Journey to the Cross

Please join us on Saturday, March 27th at 10am for the livestream of our Journey to the Cross outreach event.  If you can’t livestream at 10am, don’t worry you can view the video later too.

Don’t forget to invite your friends and neighbors.  Kids that view the video are invited to come to church the next day, Palm Sunday, to pick up a bag of Easter candy.  This Easter candy will be in place of our Easter Egg Hunt.

Our Lenten Services this year starts with our Ash Wednesday service on February 17 and will be every Wednesday through March 24.

The overall theme for the 2021 Lenten sermons is “The Hands of the Passion.” When we consider Jesus and the people around him in his Passion, we can’t help but think of their hands— the hands that beat their breast, accepted money for betrayal, petulantly swung swords, pointed in accusation, beat and disavowed, praised, washed, were pierced, and offered eternal life. In short, we can’t help but think about how we sinners have had the same sinful hands of those who surrounded Jesus in his Passion, and how Jesus our Savior has touched us with his hands of grace.

We were pleased to have Pastor Gaertner from Jesus Cares Ministry lead us in our Bible Study today as he talked to us about the different ministries of the Synod serving seniors and individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities.  Please click on our link below to view this event.

Feb 7 Bible Study Video

Pastor Joel Gaertner, National Director of Jesus Cares Ministry will lead our worship service and Adult Bible Class on February 7, 2021

Come join us for our New Year’s Eve Service December 31, 2020 at 7:00 pm. Holy Communion will be celebrated in this service.

Come and Worship with us on Christmas Day as we live stream our service on our homepage below at 10:30 am.

Our next Advent Service will be on December 16, 2020 at 7:00p.m. Please come and join us.

The services scheduled for 22nd, 25th and 29th will be on-line only.  Please stay save and may God continue to bless us as we gather around His Word in our homes. Please come in-person and worship with us as we start to our Advent services on Wednesday, December 2nd.

God’s kingdom is still coming

“Your kingdom come.” We used to pray that every Sunday in church together. When we did, we were asking God to rule our hearts and to send his Spirit to the hearts of others in the world. But we probably prayed those words thinking that, as congregations, we had God’s kingdom work pretty well under control. Not anymore!

Once upon a time, we had ways to measure our—I mean God’s—kingdom work. We tracked worship attendance. We counted kids in Lutheran school desks. We measured offerings. We quantified volunteer hours. Pastors mapped out hospital and shut-in visits. And if we liked the way things look on paper, we assumed God’s kingdom had certainly come! At least we had a good system in place for tracking kingdom work! When we prayed, “Your kingdom come,” we meant, “Just give my kingdom a little boost, God. But we mostly have our—I mean your—kingdom going strong.”

But now our people aren’t in pews. Our students aren’t in desks. Our offerings are not in plates. Our hospital visits are not even allowed! Is God’s kingdom still coming? How can it, if we can’t track it?

It’s a terrifying thing for a congregation to realize suddenly, the kingdom work we’ve gotten used to is no longer within our control. And yet, has it ever been? Did God’s kingdom ever fit within our church’s budget and calendar? Or does God’s kingdom belong to. . . God? The Alpha and the Omega, the Creator, Sustainer, and Light of the world?

Thank God he’s running his kingdom! Because who could have imagined that this was the way he would kick us out of our churches and into the world? I’m amazed by just how powerfully God’s kingdom is pouring into the world in these dark days! He’s hammering through once hardened hearts. He’s uprooting deeply ingrained grudges. He’s tilling up straight paths through the baked desert floor.

And the gospel! It’s been incredible to watch newly emboldened Christians scatter the gospel seed in public in ways I have never seen. Parking lots packed with cars and pastors with megaphones. Facebook exploding with worship service views, shares, and engagements. People talking about death and resurrection in their homes, with their children. Easter Sunday resurrection hope pouring through every media and social media into homes where unbelievers and believers alike are listening. Christians serving in their communities as fearless light and salt when others cower. WELS members across the country becoming stronger together, forming a gospel-seed tidal wave, as they engage with one another through social media!

Is God’s kingdom still coming? Oh, yes! And thank God he has let us be on the front lines bringing that kingdom to more people, in new ways, with renewed zeal. Yes, Lord, yes! “Your kingdom come!”

Written by Rev. Ryan Kolander, home missionary at Palabra de Vida in Detroit, Mich. 

This post is an excerpt from WELS Mission Blogs.  To see more on this story as well as other stories please visit the WELS Synod Mission blog at:

WELS Mission Blog

Communion liturgy with a brief devotional introduction to each section.  Please participate in the liturgy when you see the video of Pastor Jacobs at the altar.

Communion Liturgy & Commentary

Devotion Podcasts – Holy Week 2020

Martin Luther College is providing a daily devotion podcast called “Christ in the Tabernacle”.  It consists of eight devotions for Palm Sunday through Easter, each explaining a component of the tabernacle and how Christ fulfilled all that was forshadowed there.  The link below takes you to their podcast page.

Martin Luther College Holy Week Podcast 2020

Members, Friends and Visitors of Abiding Word Lutheran Church,

We understand that it may be prudent for members to stay home in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic we are face in our country.  As such we offer the readings, sermons and a wealth of other information and synod resources on our website.  If you wish to see live stream services, we are providing the link to Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church which live streams their 7:00 pm Wednesday Lenten Services and their 8:30 am Sunday Services.

Beautiful Savior Live Streaming Service Weblink

Facing COVID-19 together: A message from our synod president

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Events of the recent weeks and days surely remind us that Jesus’ words describing the trouble that we will experience in this world are all too true. But especially in times of trouble like these, we will want always to remember the rest of what he told us: He has overcome the world. Our times are still in his hands. He will never leave us or forsake us. No matter how dark the days, he remains our light and salvation; whom (or what) shall we fear?

Throughout our synod, various areas of ministry, congregations, and schools have already been affected by the current health crisis and have been taking steps to respond. And, as the situation continues to change, many more decisions will likely need to be made in the days and weeks to come.

The synod has taken various actions in response to government recommendations and mandates, and, after much prayer, other decisions have been made based on common sense and an abundance of caution. To do our part in helping to limit the spread of COVID-19, the synod has placed a moratorium on all non-essential foreign and domestic air travel for synod personnel. Meetings at the WELS Center for Mission and Ministry have been postponed or canceled. Martin Luther College, Luther Preparatory School, and Michigan Lutheran Seminary have canceled in-person classes through the Easter break.

As the situation changes, WELS congregations will be faced with making difficult decisions about how gospel ministry and congregational worship will be carried out in the coming weeks and months. Here are some important points to consider:

  • The Fourth Commandment and other words of Scripture remind us not only to show respect and obedience to governmental authorities, but also to remember them in our prayers as they make decisions to safeguard our nation.
  • According to the Fifth Commandment, we have the responsibility not to do anything to hurt or harm our neighbor (or ourselves, for that matter), but to help our neighbor in times of need.
  • God’s Word reminds us of the importance and blessing of worship and encourages us to make faithful use of the means of grace.

How do we apply these biblical principles at a time like this? The Centers for Disease Control has recently recommended that for the next eight weeks, public gatherings should be limited to no more than 50 people. Some local governmental bodies have already gone further, issuing an outright ban on public gatherings of 50 people or more. Restrictions could become even tighter than that in the coming days and weeks. What does this mean?

  • While we can make recommendations, the synod does not have the authority to mandate uniform actions by all of our congregations. Rather, congregations will need to make their own responsible decisions about worship gatherings, depending on local circumstances and governmental restrictions.
  • Respect for our government, Christian love for our fellow citizens, and proper concern for our own health may require congregations to alter their worship plans. In some places, services may need to be canceled to comply with government mandates. In other places, congregations may decide to offer more service times to keep gatherings below the recommended or mandated limit. Congregations that cancel services are encouraged to find alternate means, such as live streaming worship, sermons, and Bible classes. Congregations that do not have the ability to do this may want to make their members aware of other congregations that do. In some cases, emailed sermons and devotional materials might be considered. Congregations can also equip parents with resources that can be used in family devotions. Our trust in the efficacy of God’s Word reassures us that his Word works even when public worship gatherings are not possible.
  • Recognize that this is an extraordinary opportunity to let our light shine in the ways that our congregations and their members serve the people in their communities in Christian love.
  • In times such as these, as your local ministry strives to meet these challenges, your continuing and regular offerings are as vital as ever. God’s work must go on.

We ask you to be patient with us. We are doing the best we can to provide information and guidance in this difficult time. And we ask for your prayers that God will guide us with wisdom and faith as we make what will likely be difficult decisions.

So it is with God’s church in these last days. We know that Satan is doing all he can to silence the proclamation of God’s saving gospel. We know that our enemy from hell tries to use events like this to drive a wedge between God and his people. But we also know that God can and will cause even this crisis to work together for the good of those who love him. He will use this to drive us to the cross of our Savior, where he gave himself to make us his own. And he will lead us to the open door of the empty tomb, where he demonstrated his complete victory over Satan, sin, and death.

May our gracious God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Preserver, keep you strong in your faith and confident in his promises.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder

March 17 update: As part of precautions and in efforts to reduce gatherings, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (WLS) announced face-to-face classes are on hold for the time being. Online instruction will begin March 25 with the hope of resuming face-to-face classes April 15.

Read more on how WELS is helping its Congregations, Schools & Families

Dear Members and Visitors,

As you know, the COVID-19 virus has brought fear, anxiety, and questions to our nation, the State of Ohio, and now our community. In this unprecedented time, the best thing that we can do is to continue to pray, but we should also take other precautions to protect ourselves, our families, and our members. I’ve listed some precautions below from the State of Ohio Department of Health website. They are as follows:

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; dry hands with a clean towel or air dry hands.
• Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are unavailable.
• Cover your mouth with a tissue or sleeve when sneezing or coughing.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Avoid contact with people who are sick.
• Clean “high-touch” surfaces daily, such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, desks, and tablets.

Secondly, here are some things our church should consider to limit the spread of the virus:

• Handshakes or personal contact is not expected, and we should not be offended if others prefer to pass on this custom.
• Thorough cleaning and disinfecting of common areas after we have visitors or events at our church (3/17/2020 election).
• Offering plates will not be passed, but the ushers will gather your offering at the back of the church on your way out.
• We’ll be making a few changes to communion distribution that we will announce on Sunday.

As events unfold, we’ll be updating everyone with additional information regarding COVID-19 and actions that we’ll be undertaking.

Take care and God Bless.

Barry Holzmiller
Congregation President

Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church Website Launch

Welcome to our new website.  We aim to provide information about our church as well as sharing the gospel of Christ to whomever visits our website.  Our aim is to provide our members and visitors alike with relevent information as to our upcoming events as well sermons and links to a host of resources within our synod.  We encourage everyone to browse our webpages because we are sure we have something here for everyone.  If you are in our neighborhood; we would love it if you would come by and visit us on a Sunday.

Copyright © 2019 Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church.

All Rights Reserved.